Peter Baeklund

I’m Peter Baeklund, the founder and owner of mikro makro which is the home base for (danish) and (international) + additional related projects.

Here’s a quick overview of my work and the results you can expect. If you want to know more visit either of the two websites.

The core work is to help highly committed leaders, top performers and entrepreneurs:

1. Realize the peace and joy of our true nature
2. Build a life you love waking up to
3. Create extraordinary value in your work

Since 2005 I’ve been privileged to work with a wide range of amazing people from 25+ countries and 4 continents: CEOs, leaders, entrepreneurs, business owners, pro athletes, multi-millionaires, high performance teams and trailblazing individuals from many different walks of life.

While there are many good intentions and noble methods to help people “feel and do better”, the real problem is we overlook our deeper nature in the pursuit of “happiness” and “success”.

Visionaries and trailblazers are often innocently slaves to the endless “coping mentality” that plaque humanity. It keeps us hypnotized in the (secret) search for the next blue pill, strategy, technique, tool, relationship, substance, activity etc. to achieve pleasure and avoid suffering.

But we overlook that attachment to pleasure or aversion to pain both destroy the equilibrium of our inner nature.

The ironic and paradoxical behavior of many leading performers is that they’re seeking answers and solutions to their personal growth without knowing the nature of who they really are.

Thus leaders and top performers never seem to find the elusive peace and freedom they’re truly looking for. And this way of living, leading and performing cripples our life quality, capabilities, relationships and results.

There’s no way to outperform a misunderstood inner world.

But there’s an obvious, unconventional way, only few talk about, to permanently release from mental constraints in order to:

  • Experience true inner freedom
  • Lead from the heart with zero BS
  • Create powerful results and value

Here’s the deal: If you’re willing to face the truth about yourself, you’ll get on the path to thriving and performing beyond ego, personality, and conceptual limitations. No matter the challenges that comes your way.

You’re now shifting the root causes in your life instead of being lost in symptoms. And those deeper realizations and changes will permeate your way of being from the ground up.

Create what matters most in your life and work

You see, there’s a remarkably different wisdom of how to live and excel beyond the normal activity of mind, that the vast majority of people are unaware of.

It’s the deep, unveiling truth that you’re not a confined, separate, vulnerable “personality” whose peace, freedom, power and happiness are at the mercy of the apparent world.

Knowing and experiencing this directly completely changes the game of how to lead with clarity, perform in flow, create powerful solutions and be deeply at peace.

The implications of seeing clearly and deeply what goes on behind the scenes of the mind and what we call “reality” are immense for you as a leader, performer, entrepreneur, partner, parent and world citizen.

In fact, the knowing of our essential nature is what we’re all seeking at the core of our existence. And as you gradually lift the veil your peace and creative power increases.

In short, the key benefits are:

  • Realize the peace and joy of your true nature
  • Release from the fundamental causes of suffering and unhappiness
  • Get to the source of why you struggle to create what truly matters
  • Shift the root causes that govern your life
  • Create a heartfelt vision that truly moves you
  • Turn your passion(s) into a unique, thriving business
  • Free your mind and focus your energy for effective flow performance
  • Integrate powerful distinctions to excel in your leadership and dramatically increase your results in life
  • Experience your being in the world from a deep sense of unity, coherence and wholeness

Lastly, while I often work with CEOs, leaders, entrepreneurs and top performers I also value helping dedicated individuals and organizations with fewer means.

Moreover I also help many private people on the side (mostly free of charge).

So please don’t hesitate to contact me if you believe I can be of service or if you have any questions. I’ll be honored to speak with you.


Peter Baeklund